There are situations in which you may want to have more than one account; for instance, if you have separate groups of Hubs that you do not want to mesh with each other. On the far right of the network line is a "four arrows" symbol. If you click it, you can assign permission to manage your account to another account.
By filling in a username or an email address that is known to (i.e. the username or email address of another registered user), you can give that person permission to manage your network. For instance, this picture shows that "random_user" is the owner of the account, but I'll give "random_user_2" permission to manage this account:
Now random_user_2 appears as having access to this account:
If you log in as random_user_2, you now see a section at the bottom of the page called "Other Networks You Control" with the "random_user" network listed - you can change the settings of the "random_user" network just as you can change the settings of the "random_user_2" network now.
Our goal is to provide a tool that makes it as easy as possible to build and manage a network that encompasses your property, whether it's one Hub on an acre or multiple Hubs covering thousands of acres. Your feedback is always appreciated!
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