We are using an older model of the AyrMesh Bridge radio in this example, but the instructions apply to all models.
The AyrMesh Bridge uses two radios: one, the Bridge Gateway, is attached to your network, and the second, the Bridge Remote, is attached to the device(s) you are connecting to your network. Each of them has a series of lights on the back or side:
From Left to Right (or bottom to top):
First is the power light (green) - this should always be on
Second is the Ethernet activity light (green) - this indicates traffic on the Bridge radio's Ethernet port - it should be on or blinking if anything is attached to the Receiver's LAN port
The next four lights are the signal strength indicators. They are only used for the Bridge Remote radio; the Bridge Gateway keeps the rightmost signal light on to indicate it is in Gateway mode.
Third is the first signal light (red) - if this light is on alone, it indicates poor signal strength from the Gateway - less than -75 dBm
Next is the second signal light (yellow) - if only this and the red light are on, it indicates moderate signal strength from the Gateway - between -65 and -75 dBm
Next is the third signal light (green) - if this, the yellow, and the red light are on, it indicates good signal strength - between -55 and -65 dBm
Finally, the fourth signal light (green) - if all the signal lights are on, it indicates very strong signal - less than -55 dBm (this light alone is always lit on the Gateway radio)
When the Bridge radio boots, the rightmost or topmost light (green) will blink. If it's a Gateway radio, the rightmost/topmost light will come on and stay on. If it's a Remote radio, then the four signal lights will "chase" from left to right, indicating that the Bridge radio is trying to connect to the Gateway. When it is connected to the Gateway radio, the signal lights will indicate the signal strength. The signal lights change approximately once per second.
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