My AyrMesh Gateway Hub has the two bottom lights on, but the Hub is not appearing on the AyrMesh Portal.
Bill Moffitt
Wait 10 minutes. It sometimes takes that long for the Hub to appear on the AyrMesh Portal
Go to the AyrMesh portal and sign in. Click on “Manually Add Ayrstone Device.” Type in the MAC address of the Hub (from the sticker on the front of the Hub or the sticker inside the “door” of the Hub), provide a name for the Hub if you choose, and click on “Submit.” If it says, that the Hub cannot be added because it already exists, or if it still doesn’t show up on your account, please with your username and the MAC address of the Hub.
Make sure your router is connected to the Internet – using a computer connected to another one of the “output” or “LAN” ports of the router, bring up several internet sites (preferably ones you have not visited recently on that computer) to ensure the router is connected to the internet and is passing traffic to its “clients.”
If you are trying to use the Hub with a Cable Modem, try connecting the Hub to the modem, then unplugging the modem (not the Hub) from the wall and plugging it back in. Some Cable Modems only work with a single device; if they were originally “mated” to a computer, they won’t accept a new “partner.” By rebooting the modem, you can usually get it to “forget” its previous “mate” and provide an address to the Hub.
Try replacing your Ethernet cables with “known good” cables – some longer cables may not be 100% copper and, therefore, not able to pass enough current to fully power the Hub; in very rare cases, we have seen cables on which the “transmit” pins were not connected – the Hub can “hear” the router, so it turns its Ethernet light on, but the router can’t “hear” the Hub to pass data to the Internet
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